Diary of a Kidney Warrior Podcast

I was privileged to have been invited to share my kidney transplant story with Dee Moore of the Diary of a Kidney Warrior Podcast. Please feel free to have a listen. 🎙 🎙 'Diary of a Kidney Warrior' Podcast Episode 64: Eric’s Kidney Warrior Story Eric Douglin joins Dee Moore to share his inspirational Kidney Warrior story. Eric shares about: his diagnosis of end stage renal failure, his journey to accepting his diagnosis, receiving a kidney transplant from his wife Mandi , & paying it forward through kidney health advocacy. Eric shares advice and the lessons he has learned during his Kidney Warrior Journey. Out now on: Podbean https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-rdebf-1276313 Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/diary-of-a-kidney-warrior-podcast/id1529196456?i=1000570266691 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4SlX0TuomNWsdvsoLpXxGy?si=_cyi2KdRSQmubUA6LuAcLw YouTube https://youtu.be/5IfJZDd6kvo