Moments- My Daughter's Wedding

Special Moments

There were some things in my life when I was a young man I looked forward to or had mapped out in my head, to achieve by certain various chaotic timescales.

Some of these plans have come to fruition, others have not and are still on Eric’s To Do List’.

When I was around 14 years old, I remember compiling a massive list of these things in my orange fluffy padlocked diary (which my brother broke into) that I wanted to achieve when I was older. Some of my wild aspirations included, and in no particular order are listed below:

Eric’s To Do List circa 1977

  • Making the school sports team
  • Having my first kiss (before the age of 18) (Failed)
  • Passing my driving test at 17
  • Drinking my first pint of Special Brew (Shandy Bass)
  • Smoking a cigarette (Failed)
  • Getting a girlfriend before my twin brother.
  • Travelling the world
  • Playing football for Arsenal or being employed at the Co Op. (Google it)
  • Getting my own place at 18
  • Having children but not before 30.
  • Scaring the hell out of my daughter's boyfriends 
  • Walking my daughter down the aisle
  • Becoming a grandad and owing a whippet 

I'm pleased to say I have done a majority of the things listed, I'm still waiting to buy my whippet, and I'm still young enough to keep goal for the Gunners.

It’s fair to say I never achieved playing for Arsenal, and as yet I don’t own a whippet, and I had my first kiss at the age of 21.

The one major thing which had alluded me to date on the list, was walking my daughter down aisle at her wedding. (Sorry mum I did smoke a Marlborough Light once, but was sick afterwards).

But that wonderful moment was achieved last week, 22/04/2022 at 2pm, on a wonderful sunny day on the Eastbourne seafront.

 I was blessed to walk my beautiful daughter Lauren, down the aisle to marry her fiancĂ© Alex.

Walking Lauren Down the Aisle 
What made the day extra special was that my twin brother Tim, had flown in from Canada to celebrate the special occasion with most of our family in attendance.
Me & My Brother Tim 

As I walked Lauren along the beautiful grounds of the Hydro hotel towards family and friends, to meet Alex, I started crying, Lauren asked me if I was ok. I lied and said 

“ Of course I’m ok, it just my hayfever playing up”

But Lauren gave me a wry smile, because she knew I was talking BS !!

All the while as I was getting closer to the beautiful Dome  where Alex stood waiting for his bride and Celebrant who was conducting the ceremony.

I casted my mind back to 02 January 2021, when my bowel ruptured, and I was told I had 12 hours to live if I wasn’t operated on.

 That’s when ‘Stanley’ the Stoma came into my life.  Please see my previous post. 

I then cast my mind back even further to 15 January 2010, when I received a kidney donated by my wife Mandi, after I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. Hello ‘MEric’ the kidney. Please see my previous post

Me, Lauren & Mandi 

Once I got to the alter, and placed Lauren’s hand into Alex’s, my tears were flowing freely. Fortunately, as you can see, I was wearing sunglasses, however Lauren & Alex both knew my tears had nothing to do with hayfever.

The Bride & Groom  

As I stood there with the newlyweds, I kept on thinking how grateful I was to be able to share this special occasion with my daughter, Alex, my son’s, my wife Mandi , family and friends.

It was at that moment the proudest, luckiest and most grateful man alive to come through those challenges and being able to walk Lauren down the aisle.

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Douglin-Hendon, it was a privilege to be involved in your celebrations.

The Happy Couple

Now, where can I find myself a Whippet ??



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