My Donor Story - 'MEric' the Kidney

 MEric the Kidney- The Donor’s Story Mandi Douglin 

"I donated my kidney to my husband to save his life"

On 15th Jan 2010 I donated a kidney to my husband as to me it was the normal thing to do.

Here is my story.

Well where to start!

In 2007, not long after I started dating Eric, (now my husband),he told me he had been diagnosed with early stage chronic kidney disease, but it was been very carefully managed with medication, diet and regular visits to the hospital.

Basically, Eric’s kidneys for no apparent reason were failing & leaking protein which his body needed, as opposed to doing their natural function of getting rid of toxins from the body.

If the problem deteriorated his condition would get worse and he would need a kidney transplant.

After one of his regular appointments with the renal specialist at Guys hospital in 2008, Eric came home and said his tests showed his kidneys were only functioning at 25% and were failing rapidly. What did this mean I asked? Eric explained to me that within 3 to 5 years he would need to a new kidney or would have to start Dialysis.

My head said, "Ok that is fine then we have 3 to 5 years to deal with this". Mm maybe not!!

After Eric's next check-up at Guys Hospital a few weeks later, he came back and sat on the sofa very quietly and not willing to talk about his appointment. I could sense something was wrong, and after harassing him for about an hour, he eventually told me that his kidneys where failing quicker than expected.

In fact, his kidney function was down to 10%, and he would need a kidney sooner than anticipated, possibly within 1 to 2 years. The ideal donor would be a family member , but due to his condition being congenital, none of his immediate family would be able to donate.

This then meant that the hospital would place him on the Organ register and waiting for someone to lose a loved one who had agreed to be an organ donor. Until then they would start the process for Eric to receive dialysis, and wait for a kidney donor to be found, which averages if lucky, to around 3-5 years.

This would mean tubes and wires and being attached / inserted also being wired up to a dialysis machine several times a week. “Oh no way not if I can help it” I thought.

I just looked at him and said, "ok I'll do it" not thinking that this would happen as Eric is black and I am white, and there was no way we would be a match , (oh the myths in this world).

Eric was reluctant for me to be a potential donor, because he knew there was a risk, as with any major surgery. In addition he felt he was being a burden on me and felt he had to be the "big, strong man". 

The initial process involved me having numerous tests,procedures, mental evaluations and interviews to establish if I was a match. 

After a few weeks I was contacted by the hospital to be advised  I was indeed a match. I was so happy ran and told him, I expected him to be happy but in fact I was met with the opposite reaction. 

Eric said that he did not want me to do it, as he felt that I would be putting myself at risk, I just rolled my eyes and told him “tough” coz if you know me, I am pretty stubborn.

                      Eric & I pre transplant 2008

We had to go for counselling and an interview, "integration" (well that is what it felt like) from the Blood & Organ authority to ensure that I was doing this of my own free will and not being forced (as Eric and I were only dating at the time). During one of the counselling sessions we were advised that Eric needed to mentally accept the new kidney and the best way was to name it (strange but true). Most people call their new kidney "Sidney the kidney", well not us we named ours MEric.

On 15th January 2010, MEric the Kidney was born/donated, and every year we celebrate this (in fact we celebrate MEric's anniversary and tend to forget about our wedding anniversary).

I don't consider myself brave, a hero or inspirational, I just did what I had to do to save my husband, a father of four and grandfather of 5,with another grandchild on the way. 

I am frequently asked if I could, would I donate again, HELL YES! If only my left kidney would grow back Lol.

 Eric and I now help people that are going through this process by raising awareness through a number of charitable organisations we work with. 

In 2015 we have created the WBCT (World Club Basketball tournament) which is held in September during Organ Donation Week, every year to raise awareness of  the need for organ of donors . Which I'm pleased to say we have won numerous awards and  for nominations for. 

            Eric & I at the Sussex Sports Awards 2019 

This is not an end to our story but a beginning as MEric will only last so long until then….. we celebrate each year.




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